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A Writer’s Guide to UN-Block Your Mind: Tips on Getting Over Writer’s Block

Writer’s block—the great nemesis of the writing community. Yet, it is inevitable. Ever have one of those days where you have the motivation to write a certain amount of words for your story or paper? Then, when you finally come around to getting ready to work your magic, your brain shuts down? That is not a great feeling—being stuck. As a writer, it is crucial to accept that you will face writer’s block occasionally. Although, some people experience writer’s block more than others.

Nonetheless, there is nothing to be ashamed of when experiencing writer’s block. Sometimes, it allows writers to take some time to think things over. Yet, writer’s block is not a great thing to experience when it comes to meeting deadlines. Fortunately, there are ways to overcome writer’s block and get your creative engine running again.

1) Step Away

It is pretty straightforward and obvious, but there is more to stepping away from your work. Referring to different experts, taking the time to step away from your work and investing in an additional creative element can help your brain relax. Speechwriter and author Rob Goodman claims that it is essential to take time for yourself and not dwell on the situation. He says, “The most important thing is not to unduly beat [yourself] up about it, and to remember that [you] get to start each day with a clean slate.”

2) Really Think Things Through

It is excellent to want to get started with your work right away. However, it would help if you also took some time to look over what you want to write about and make sure you have a clear idea of what you want to write. Sometimes, it can require thorough research to make sure you have a clear understanding of the subject. Also, it requires more details and a clear “vision board” on the story you want to tell. In a 2021 article form Writing Routines, Award-winning historian Annette Gordon-Reed claims that when she experiences writer’s block, she will revisit her sources and look through her outline to have a clear idea of what she wishes to write. This can also apply for fiction writers, and they are encouraged to revisit their original idea, add more details, and dig deeper into their vision.

3) Freewrite

Pushing through the block can usually help overcome the block. Referring to MasterClass, try writing without “pausing to worry about sentence structure, grammar, spelling, or whether what you’re saying makes sense or not.” Imagine going for a jog on a hiking trail. At first, you tread lightly. Then, the more you continue to jog lightly, you soon pick up the pace and continue racing. Although you may not use a lot of what you write, it can still help push through the block

4) READ!

Another one that is pretty straightforward. It is proven that taking the time to read another writer’s work in your spare time can inspire your ideas for your work.

Herman Wilkins of Studio Binder claims that many writers find inspiration in their own “writing heroes.”

Writer’s block is never ideal, but it is proven to be inevitable. However, there are multiple ways to overcome being stuck. It is most important not to let writer’s block go to your head and acknowledge that it is possible. Then, writing becomes possible.

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